Malcolm Wade/Yves Laroche Duo
Malcolm Wade: Vocals and Trombone
Yves Laroche: Piano
Come enjoy an atmosphere of warmth and relaxation as Malcolm Wade (Vocals /
Trombone) and Yves Laroche (Piano) weave a musical journey through wonderful
jazz standards covering a variety of styles.
Malcolm Wade: Malcolm is moulded in the classic crooner style. His smooth
baritone is well suited to the songs of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Tony Bennett,
Michael Buble and the like. Add to that a touch of silky trombone and new life is
injected into the music.
As a vocalist, Malcolm currently sings with The Wild Cards Big Band, The Grey Jazz
Big Band and the H-Gang as well as having a busy schedule entertaining at
retirement homes. His trombone credits include The Grey Jazz Big Band, The Stan
Clark Orchestra, The Divertimento Orchestra, The National Capital Concert Band,
and the Grey Nuns Trombone Quartet. More information is available at his
website: malcolmwade.ca
Yves Laroche: Yves is one of Ottawa’s premier jazz pianists. For over 30 years his
vast talent and experience has provided a perfect space for vocalists and
instrumentalists to flourish.
Yves is currently an instructor of Jazz Studies at both Carleton University and
Ottawa U. His sideman duties include The Pollcats, The Doug Martin Quartet, The
Peter Liu Trio and The Rick Rangno Project. A more complete bio may be found at